Sham Valley, aptly named the 'Apricot Valley,' unfolds as a picturesque haven in Ladakh, showcasing serene landscapes and cultural richness. Encompassing ancient monasteries like Likir and vibrant villages, Sham Valley offers a tranquil escape into Ladakh's essence. Surrounded by breathtaking scenery, this destination provides a serene retreat for travelers seeking a blend of cultural immersion and natural beauty.
Likir Monastery Exploration
Trek Through Scenic Villages
Local Homestays
Traditional Ladakhi Lifestyle
The summer months from June to September offer ideal weather conditions for trekking in Sham Valley.
Yes, some homestays offer opportunities for visitors to participate in farming activities, providing a hands-on cultural experience.
While not a common practice, some monasteries may offer basic accommodations for a unique cultural experience.
Camping is a popular choice, and some trekking routes offer camping experiences with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.
Roads are generally in good condition, but it's advisable to check for weather conditions and road closures. Self-driving is common and feasible for many visitors.